The Ancient Romans called it “regina viarum”, Appian Way was the first paved public road built by the consul Appius Claudius Ciecus in the year 312 B C. It’s undoubtedly the best preserved Ancient Roman road. The first 8 miles, starting from the Gate of Saint Sebastian, is surrounded by Roman countryside. With its many burial monuments of different size and shape, there is unique evidence of the Roman customs. We’ll visit the Tomb of Cecilia Metellaand overlook the Villa of the Emperor Massentius, with its huge private Circus and the Tomb of his son Romulus. Along the same road, the Christians excavated their cemeteries, the pagan Romans called them “Catacombs”, a Greek word meaning Caves.
The Tour includes private transportation and guiding, entrance to Catacombs and Cecilia Metella.
The Grand Tour Europe Ltd
Unique Guided Tours
Boutique Tour Operator
Tel +390692928173
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